
a division of Twelvemonth Music

3 Music Manuals

Acoustic Guitar Chords (PDF, 244 pages)

Acoustic Guitar Chords is a comprehensive study of chords for acoustic guitar containing more than 900 chord fingerings for 27 types of chords, including 310 movable chord fingerings and 160 barre chord fingerings.

Click here to read the Table of Contents and Introduction.

Click here to read a four page excerpt (A Major chords).

Rhythm Guitar (PDF, 264 pages)

(the download for this e-book includes mp3s for the playing Exercises, and an annotated mp3 playlist)

Rhythm Guitar is a comprehensive manual on rhythmic (chord based) styles of play on the steel string acoustic guitar.

For more information, go to the Rhythm Guitar page of the original Twelvemonth Music website, where you can learn more about Rhythm Guitar, including reading the Table of Contents, Foreword, Introduction, and Index, and listening to excerpts of the playing Exercises.

Melody Guitar (PDF, 230 pages)

(this e-book includes print scores and score analyses for the 16 guitar ensemble Repertoire selections ; e-scores for the Repertoire selections are sold separately on the Guitar Ensemble Music page of the original Twelvemonth Music website, where you can also listen to the Repertoire selections in their entirety)

Melody Guitar is a general introduction to the formal study of music (music theory, music history, music analysis, and musical practice and performance), and a guide to playing melodies and monophonic parts ensemble music on the guitar.

For more information, go to the Melody Guitar page of the original Twelvemonth Music website, where you can learn more about Melody Guitar, including reading the Table of Contents, Foreword, Introduction, and Index, and downloading  e-scores for the Exercises, the TefView Score Reader, and the TefView Primer.


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